“Brexit cancelled if we win the World Cup” says Theresa May.

Theresa May has announced that if England win it all this year in the World Cup then she’ll cancel Brexit.
In a joint statement supported by all parties May stated, “Somethings are just too damn important to give up on, if this could help our boys bring home that trophy than I’m all for it. There has been murmurings on the team they did need some incentives and this seems to be a good one, plus if anyone is well nuanced about the in-depth UK/EU political and economic relationship, it’s them. Now bring home that trophy boys!”
When asked about whether there was a worry there could be political backlash from this decision at a press conference the unanimous opinion was, ‘IT’S COMING HOME, ITS COMING, FOOTBALL’S COMING HOME, IT’S COMING!!!’
Plus as an extra guarantee just to keep the people who really aren’t bored by all this Brexit crap yet, we have exclusively worked out that as the EU is only about 35 years old and the World Cup is nearly 90 so that clears that all right up doesn’t it! Have a pint and pipe down!
We tried to get a comment from Nigel Farage and UKIP on the matter but then realised nobody cares!

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