Did you just assume the weathers pattern?

It’s 2020, you can’t just decide what the weather is anymore. Climate change is here and a real danger.

In this horrifying expose article, The Bulls Nose discovers 100s of news sources are still trying to predict the weather.

If one thing is clear from the last few months it’s that weather is unpredictable and shouldn’t be appropriated by weather people who gain their information from some office. I mean we’ve never even met office.

From raging fires in Australia to raging hail in Australia, Australia has really been through it this year. Don’t think that just because it is happening on the other side of the world it can’t happen here….. wait it’s flooding everywhere? Oh well it’s here already then. Pack up your canoe.

The discovery of weather being ‘reported’ was by 19 year old Albedo. He stated in a pressure release, “I found this button on the remote that took me to a part I’ve never seen before called ‘terrestrial television’ which blew me away. There is a whole world of tv shows we never knew about but it’s not on demand and theres these things you have to watch every 5 minutes trying to sell stuff to you. I caught this segment that seemed to be talking about the weather? Even though everyone knows you can’t predict the weather anymore. It was madness”.

After this had come to light, reports from all over the world came in that weather was being secretly predicted on many channels and things called ‘newspapers’ which is the news but not on a screen.

We spoke to a cumulonimbus, who did not want to be identified. “I just can’t believe this is happening nowadays, who are they to say what I contain. I could bring rain, hail or snow. I don’t want to be pinned down by just one thing anymore. It’s just always so negative as well. I’m never painted in a positive light. Like ok gloomer, we get it but not all clouds bring disaster. Why can’t you see the silver lining in me?”.

If you’ve been affected by wrong weather prediction then please get in touch.

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