Heathrow Update: 415 MPs vote en mass to run Boris over with a bulldozer.

On 26 June MPs voted to expand Heathrow with a third runway. A move opposed by many, including Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. Who controversially didn’t take part in the vote as he was on holiday in Afghanistan.

Our undercover reporting however, has revealed many MPs couldn’t give a toss about the expansion, as they live nowhere near Heathrow and have used the vote to further their own agenda of squashing Boris’ body like a trouser press.

The promise made by Boris Johnson on election night was that he would lie down in front of bulldozers trying to break ground on the new runway. Unfortunately ultimately all this has done is accelerated the process.

“We just can’t have him as foreign secretary it’s a joke, this gives us the perfect cover to have him ‘go’. Anonymous MP Maidenhead.

A second option is to just tarmac over him and use him as a wheel chock for planes.

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