How to have a successful power executive business nap by Boris Johnson

At lots of times in the day I find myself in the need of a quick shut eye. A resting of the corneas, so that my energy levels can remain tip top throughout the remaining day.

Here are my top tips and best advice on, how to run a country astoundingly well and nap successfully!

Foremost, I would advise trying to do this behind closed doors, perhaps in your second study or the sultry-eyed looking maid’s sleeping quarters. I often find these are the best places to hide or not be caught in the act of…napping.

Secondly, always get your feet up. A nap sitting straight up is a nap wasted. I find a chaise lounge is best or whatever you can afford to get on universal credit nowadays.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, try to sleep with your eyes wide open in case a servant or government minister walks in. This should buy you a good 30 seconds to wake up to the sound of their voices. Worst case scenario it’s Carrie wanting me to be a father, luckily I’ve not had to do that yet!

Finally, make sure you are using a good alarm to awaken yourself. Sometimes I end up napping for an extended period of time because Dominic Cummings doesn’t need the face of the government for anything. Usually in that case, I just set my notification sound to loud and wait for the daily COVID death toll to wake me up.

Snaps me out of the nap in the right way and keeps my spirits up.

So remember:

Get hidden. Get horizontal. Eyes open. Get napping!

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