“I think it’s awful how anti-Semitic the Labour Party has become” says Nick Griffin.

Nick Griffin has lent his voice to the current Labour/Anti-Semitic debate.

The ex-leader of the now dead party the British National Party (BNP) has reacted in disgust to claims put forward against the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn himself.

Speaking with The Bulls Nose he said:

“This is 2018, he should hold himself better. The actions of the NOW clearly Anti-Semitic Labour party are a shockkking revelation. I just can’t believe they’re after the Jewish community, there are just way worse ones out there than them”.

“Sorry not ones, I apologise, my gay black boyfriend has informed me I cannot say that anymore. We just say dirty foreigners now as a whole, it’s more inclusive.”

“My time as leader of the second most racist party in the UK, after the current Labour party of course, gives me a unique place to offer advice to old Jeremy. Honestly you just have to accept they’re here now and try to live at peace with that. Until the one true British God rains down hellfire and ascends us to Heaven as promised on the back of the Wetherspoons menus.”


Nick Griffin’s new book ‘Why I stole a mythical creature’ comes out Friday 24th August.

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