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News daily:

Theresa May says everything is fine and there’s actually no need to worry.

⁃ Worried about Brexit? Don’t be, Theresa May has come out this morning stating that there’s actually nothing to worry about. In fact the whole things been a parliamentary joke, Brexit is actually going swimmingly.

Sexual predator R. Kelly has been allowed to go free on bail; promises he’ll offer similar deal to his captive women.

⁃ Long time hit song writer and even longer time paedophile R. Kelly, has been released on bail. Originally bail was set at 1 million but the judge accepted acoustic version of ‘I believe I can’t fly’.

Still got that Oscars hype? Itching for more news?

⁃ Don’t, the Oscars is over. Although we can reveal it will be happening next year once more. However, there will not be a fallow year for celebrities to recover, which sometimes happens to let them do some of the easier pay check films.

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