Darren, 23, from Essex claims to be the first person to be romantically involved with a traffic light. However he fears she doesn’t feel the same way as him.

“Don’t get me wrong, the sex is electrifying but I just can never tell if she’s enjoying it. One minute it’s all go and the next I’m at a dead stop, I just can’t figure it out”.

Darren feels it’s down to societal pressure on road regulations.

“The way I’ve been taught to behave on the roads, abiding by the ‘correct’ laws, I feel holds us back as a couple. I find it hard to overcome my instincts”.

Although Darren is clearly very smitten, he does feel that sometimes the love is not reciprocated.

“I just don’t know man, sometimes I feel she’s seeing someone else as well. I come to hang out and she has flowers tied around her already, she tells me it doesn’t matter about them and they’re for someone else who isn’t around anymore, but should I believe her?”.

To learn more about Darren’s struggle, make it up in your head.

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