Moped gangs in London discovered just to be disgruntled black cab drivers trying to make up losses from Uber while learning the knowledge.

This discovery was made when a moped gang robbing an Oxford street store was asked by an American tourist ‘where’s the best food place near here’, which ended up in a 40 minute long chat about Brexit, housing prices and the danger areas to avoid, ironically.
“Because of Uber’s continuation of contract while their trial pends, life has only got worse for black cabs”, exclaimed perp number 2 as he was escorted into the police car.
“It’s outrageous that people are latching on to a faster, easier and cheaper service when we still exist!” claimed masked man.
Unfortunately because of this new shocking revelation, no mopeds are allowed in central London, which has resorted to a lot of fast food bicycle gangs popping up.
The cries of ‘I’LL DELIVERYOU’ and GET READY FOR YOUR JUSTBEAT’, can be heard ringing out during surf ’n’ turf wars.

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