My experience of Corona

You always hear about it. People talk about it all the time. But until you’ve had it you can never really understand the depth of misery that it can bring.

Below, I lay out my full experience of Corona. In the hope that this can bring real awareness to the infliction that has been imposed on many around the globe and now me.

The date was 19th November, I was visiting a friend’s house with some mutual acquaintances… during lockdown 2. Immoral I know, due to our current circumstances, but I craved the need for human interaction.

The evening was chugging ahead quite pleasantly, Camden Hells in hand and laughs to be had by the bucket load. I hadn’t felt like this in months.

Then I felt it, the cold shiver going down my back. All the rumours were true. It was like I could sense that it was in the room with me.

Then John handed it to me. His fingers wrapped around the bottle. His finger prints leaving unique presses against the iced glass.

Looking back I knew this was it. This was the moment that I had been dreading for months, my outrageous behaviour had finally caught up with me.

At first I didn’t know whether John would even have it to be honest, he had said he felt a little off earlier in the day but decided to power through as he hadn’t seen us in months.

Little did I know that on the surface of that bottle, just round the curve on John’s finger, sheathing the label was the worst thing I have ever experienced.

During my encounter, my first thought was the taste, none existent. I couldn’t get flavour anywhere in my mouth.

The pain came later, cold and dread-filled, as my body tried to expel the vile toxins inside of me.

I barely made it home that night, the mixing of drinks hadn’t helped. I would advise strongly against mixing with friends who don’t know what they are bringing with them until it’s too late.

Much like you shouldn’t mix drinks, you shouldn’t mix households.

Anyway, it’s probably the worse beer I’ve ever had, I would recommend Desperados or maybe Sol in a pinch.

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