Rushi Sunak Just Declared the End of Austerity, Again

Seemingly out of the blue on this lazy Saturday afternoon The Chancellor, Rushi Sunak, has declared an end to Austerity, again.

In an impromptu livestream from his Downing Street home, Rushi Sunak declared the end of a decade long Austerity program which achieved it’s end goal of making poor people poorer, again.

This is the 4th time Austerity has ended under the Conservative Government in the last 2 years. This time we are told, they really mean it. Again.

Rushi Sunak has promised that Austerity wouldn’t be back for 3, maybe even 4 weeks.

“Everyone feel free to loosen the belt a little, enjoy life for a moment! But not too much you dirty money stealing virus ridden plebs”.

A positive message coming out from Downing Street during these dire times.

Commentators are already speculating that this news might be to draw attention from the Governments dire handling of the Coronavirus outbreak, when asked about this the official Government response was, “What virus? If you’re talking about how infectious our smiles are then you’re right on the money”.

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