Shamima Begum, “I would have voted remain”

In an unprecedented 305th interview with international media, reality TV mogul Shamima Begum has clearly just begun throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks. The girl’s got nothing left to say, but still, here we are.

“I didn’t want all this media attention!…. but now that I’ve got it, some stuff needs saying. With the way things are going I would have voted remain. That’s clear to me now. Not only would my husband and I have been able to move freely between the Netherlands and Britain, spreading our Jihadist ways, but the loss of EU investment in Wales and much of South-East England will cripple large sections of their economies and further entrap the UK in a London-centric economy. Even from Syria I can see that this will be an issue. There’s no point planning a bombing if the places you plan to bomb will only improve architecturally as a result of said bombing”.

Unfortunately, that’s all we had time for with Shamima. We’ll be back next week with this season of ‘Who’s Had Their Citizenship Stripped Now?’.

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