Test and Trace Go Launches!

Developed in partnership with Pokemon Go, the app allows you to travel round and collect all the COVID-19 variants.

Due to the declining popularity of Pokemon Go for unknown reasons, the brains at Niantic have teamed up with the UK Government’s Test and Trace team to design the brand new Test and Trace Go!

Populated with the ever growing number of coronavirus variants it encourages users to get out there and get catchin’.

Working similarly to Pokemon Go, the user will have to walk around ‘hotzones’ where the Covid variants have been seen and attempt the catch them by throwing vials at them.

Head of Test and Trace, Dido Harding, spoke with us earlier.

“Well I am happy to announce this new project in partnership with Niantic which we are hoping will get people out of their shell and back into society. Plus you were asking where that £3 Billion had disappeared to? Well now you know!”

So far there are only 6 variants available on Test and Trace Go but the more reckless the players are the more variants can be put into the game. It’s a win-win.

Beta testers of the app have so far come back with rave reviews.

“So realistic it’s like you could reach out and touch it.”

“Since we can’t play Pokemon Go because it was deemed ‘unsafe’ this is the perfect combination to get me back outside!”

“I like Pokemon but I LOVE global pandemics and this really is combining both of my interests, I really couldn’t ask for a better app.”

Wow. Those reviews are so good it feels as if this app is going to be infectious!

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