Donald Trump is on his first official visit to the UK; where he is currently staying at the Prime Ministers official country house.


It’s been a grand arrival, he has been welcomed with open arms! Some of the LARGEST CROWDS of all time have come out to greet him upon his arrival.

Once again the GREAT AND GLORIOUS LEADER has been excelling expectations by basically sorting out the UK’s problems as well as the U.S’.

After slating Ol’ Theresa in an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH BRITAINS BEST AND BRIGHTEST NEWSPAPER; THE SUN. He then decided that magically a demon had said those bad things because he never would, even though he literally did less than a day ago.

Once again his knowledge on complex international agreements and treaties has blown everyone away. He’s been playing 4D chess the whole time while at chequers. At the board meetings he has been said to be moving the sections of the trade agreements easily, as if they were pieces on a board.

When asked what he thought of the residence at chequers, Trump claimed it was a little Draughty for him but he’ll get a secret service person to scrabble around for a blanket for him.

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