Trump reverses decision to store kids in cages; releases them all into the wild to be free, “as every kid should be”.

After only a couple weeks of kids being ripped from their parent’s arms at the border, Trump has reversed his decision and let them all go free.

In a press conference Trump said ‘These Kids have been taken from their parents it’s awful, the worst things, Kids need their mum and dad, democrats wanted this to happen probably because of the witch hunt. I’ve decided to help me because I’m the president and I’m in charge. I’ve heard that Obama did this while I was PEACING WiTH North KOREA, and they’re much better at immigration than us here they keep the families all together, even if one person commits a crime the whole family gets to stay together, isn’t that great”.

In spite of constant reminder that it was literally all his doing Trump barely acknowledges this, to be fair at this point he barely acknowledges Melania, so there wasn’t much hope here unless maybe one of the kids looks like Ivanka.

The kids are all set to be released by tomorrow and ICE agents have promised to give them all a 30 minute head start, because isn’t that nice? Makes it like a game.

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