“Well you’d be surprised how accepting everyone has been about the allegations against me, it’s actually the gay thing that’s really been the stickler for me” – Kevin Spacey.

In his first interview since his sex therapy, designed to help him with his ‘issues’, or as everyone else calls it, paedophilia, Kevin Spacey sits down with us to discuss his place in the future of Hollywood.

He starts off the conversation by telling me he’s gay and how that should be at the forefront of the article.

K – “I’ve had a lot of calls from a lot of people congratulating me on my coming out and I think that’s a great achievement!”.

TBN – “What about the kid thing though”.

K – “Oh I don’t have children, I’ve recently come out as a gay man if you didn’t know”.

TBN – “Clearly we aren’t getting anywhere here. What’s your reaction to your latest movie, Billionaire Boys Club, only taking $126 on opening weekend?”.

K – “Ooooh get you! And I thought gay men were supposed to be the sassy ones! To be honest I was barely involved in two of the words in that film, I mainly concentrated on the boys part”.

TBN – “Right, how do you feel you’re going to fit into the landscape of Hollywood in the future?”.

K – “I’ll probably just go straight back into my acting career, this is Hollywood after all. I mean Roman Polanski abused a 13 year old and we celebrate his career, Bryan Singer touches children all the time. I’ve barely kissed one young boy, allegedly. Who was 14 as well, by the way, so way older. I mean come on, why can’t you all get past this, remember how good of an actor I am. I’m brilliant in The Usual Suspects and House of Cards, can’t we all just rewatch those again?”.

TBN – “Have you tried to talk to Anthony Rapp about the allegations?”.

K – “Eww no, he’s way too old now, like mid 30s right? That’s just disgusting. Look I think this interview is over if you’re just going to keep dragging up my past!”.

At this point Mr Spacey got up and left the children’s play area he had demanded we meet in. Handing me his card before he left, he asked me to enquire around to see if anyone’s got any work going.

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