‘Why I stole a mythical creature’ by Nick Griffin. Ex-BNP leader set to release his newest book

Nick Griffin, hero to children and adults alike, has announced he is releasing his 240th book.

We sat down for an interview with this mythical-creature-stealing mystery of a man.

TBN – So Nick, what inspired this book?

NG – Interesting question, I think why I really wrote about stealing mythical creatures is because really it is a true reflection of my own ability to process basic humanity. I think something is being stolen from me, my ‘white identity’, but in reality it never existed and what’s really happening is a fight between the upper echelons of society trying to keep the working class at bay.

(Pause to sip a diet coke)

NG – And that’s really what the book is about. It’s what led me to attempt to steal things that don’t exist because I think something is being taken from me that never really existed, if you follow?

“What most people don’t realise is that BNP actually stands for Big Nasty People”

Nick Griffin, steals imaginary things.

TBN – That sounds very much like a change in your position from a few years ago when you led the British National Party to staggering defeat. Perhaps take us through it from your childhood, where did it all go white for you?

NG – I think from a very early age I had been identified by people, especially by my parents, as a sort of ‘white saviour’. It’s completely ridiculous to say it out loud now I realise, almost as if it had been made up. Basically I just ended up filling the shoes that my community had already made for me. Inside it always felt wrong though and I was trying to rebel on some level. An example of that would be and what most people don’t realise is that BNP actually stands for Big Nasty People, everyone just automatically thought it was British National Party. So in my own way I feel like I got to fight back for the values that I truly believed in; Liberté, égalité, fraternité.

TBN – It’s interesting you mention those values, the French motto so to speak. I would have thought you would have preferred an English turn of phrase.

NG – See, right there is a fine example of what I meant. I am always Pidgeon-holed. I love France and Europe. Immigration is perhaps the best thing we have as humans. The integrating of cultures really allows the mind to expand and for humanity to take leaps forward that it otherwise might not be able to. A shared love for the people of this Earth is something we should all be striving for.

TBN – Right because I would say that your twitter feed is telling a very different story at the moment, care to explain that?

NG – Yes, happily. I have to eat still and unfortunately because of my controversial past I have found it hard getting a job anywhere else and certainly no one else is going to buy my books are they, even if this one is a liberal utopia ideas book. My idea is to push left through the course of my next 37 books until on the last one it will have an ending page that just says, ‘Boo! You are now a socialist”.

TBN – Well Nick thanks for sitting down with us and for not stealing our mythical bull.

NG – The pleasure has been all mine, thank you.

***Unfortunately, in the researching of this article I happened to scroll through Mr Griffin’s twitter. As a professional joker I was able to wade through the levels of stupidity to bring you this glorious article. I would advise you not to do the same unless you have your stupidity shield set to full.***

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