“Alright, but apart from the solving of crimes, the Safety, Protection, Large-scale Investigations, National Security, Cyber security, Undercover work, Intelligence gathering, and Tracking of dangerous serial killers, what have the FBI ever done for us?” Donald Trump.

In Donald Tump’s latest speech, after several flip-flops on the whole Russia scandal, he took aim once again at the FBI.

In a speech clearly ripping off Monty Python’s Life of Brian, he criticises that apart from actually doing quite a lot for America the FBI have in fact done nothing useful!

“Donald Trump is clearly in the right here” says White House ‘Press Secretary’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “Who can you trust more in this world, YOUR PRESIDENT or just a bunch of PEOPLE who have never been elected PRESIDENT and just say stuff to attack our LORD AND SAVIOUR, JESUS CH—– DONALD TRUMP.”

Once again, the intelligence agencies have found themselves on the backfoot against Trump. His continuous denial of Russian interference in American affairs because he’s been ‘told by Putin it never happened’ is absolutely fine.

Who trusts their own intelligence agencies anyway? That’s so Obama.

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