Boris Marries His Second Wife Of The Weekend Today, After Forgetting He’d Also Got Married On Saturday

Boris, Carrie and the mysterious second wife

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has accidentally married a second woman this weekend after picking her up in the hotel where the reception of the first wedding was taking place.

The Prime Minister, well known for adultery, has claimed that this was a complete accident as he had “consumed a single glass of port in celebration and his inhibitions had dissolved”.

The second women, a hostess working at Boris’ first wedding (of the weekend), says she had “no idea who he was” when he followed her into a coatroom at the hotel and “had a fondle”.

“He was just so smooth and really knew his way around a coatroom”.

Hostess turned wife on first impressions of Boris

This is not the first time there has been a scandal surrounding a Prime Minister and their marital affairs. The last time was also Boris Johnson, actually so was the time before that and in fact, before that.

This is all in keeping with his political mantra, “Mo women, No Cobra (meetings)”.

In the Downing Street briefing today, the Prime Minister has confirmed that after a lengthy discussion with both wives, they have agreed to move in together and share a room.

Carrie has demanded that the second women, who shall not be named at this time as I can’t think of a good one, will continue her role as a hostess and have to serve them drinks on occasion.

Unconfirmed reports are suggesting that a further two pregnancies have been scheduled to shield the government from any future major scandals.

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