Number of Primary school children looking to take gap year before big school skyrockets


78% of 10 year-olds are looking into having a gap year before starting at secondary school, a new study from TES has found.

TES surveyed 11,892 school children in one of the largest year 6 surveys ever, and concluded that the stress of the last year has led many children to look for alternative routes rather than the standard “Year 6 to 7 pipeline”, as one child called it.   

The responses show a stark contrast between the current government position, where children are expected to be in education till the age of 18, and the mindset of the children who clearly feel like they need some time to rest and recuperate.

We are now able to share some of the responses from the survey:

“It’s been a tough year you know, lots of zoom fatigue and I just feel like I need some time off before I start the next chapter of my education.” – A student from Manchester

“I just don’t feel like I’m gonna get the best out of year 7 if I go straight there now. Lots of mask-wearing and not being able to play with my mates. Think it’s best for me to spread my wings a bit and spend some time in the park and maybe get a bus by myself.” – A student from Wigan

“If I felt that the economy was in better shape or that the people in government had a grip on what they were doing I might be more inclined to go (to big school) but as the people in charge like Borris and Pretty Patel had the ‘best education’ and ended up like this then what is the point for myself? I need time to reflect on how globalisation needs to be reformed as we move forward.” – A Slough student

The full survey will be available in the latest version of TES magazine or you can access it first by making it up in your heads.

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