Prince Harry appointed as Commissioner at Bulls Nose News to combat fake news and misinformation in the media

Prince Harry

We are pleased to announce that the royal, formally known as Prince Harry, will be joining our stellar news team.

The royal, formally known as Prince Harry, will be taking on a role to help combat fake news and misinformation in the media.

We know that we as an organisation have been guilty of this previously ourselves. In fact, we are right now, as you read this very line. He’s got his work cut out for him.

“Harry’s inner drive and passion has always been leading him to a role in this field”, said Bob from our in-house dentist department.

“It’s important to him that the media is fairly regulated as he’s suffered greatly from media attacks and by the looks of his teeth, plaque attacks too.”

Here’s a word from Harry himself.


Great word, great prince, average man.

With Prince Harry joining the Bulls Nose News team, we have grown to an organisational size of 2.5 million staff, so we’ll probably never see him anyway.

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