Shoes upset about being walked over all the time

We tread on them all the time; finally they’re having their say.

We’ve been on the street to ask them how they feel.

“We feel as if we are only slightly better than the dirt on our sole” said just another Nike Air.

“My feet hurt! There’s never any rest, we are at your beck and call 24/7” said beige Kitten Heel.

“Actually I don’t think it’s that bad, lots of relaxing and cool sea breeze” new Flip Flop.

“YOU would say that, you have no idea, once you make it out there down the beach! They tried to drown me” choked old Flip Flop.

We could have asked more but honestly it got tiring to bend down and rush alongside people’s feet and no one would stop for us for some reason?

Plus apparently when you wear out a shoe you’re slowly rubbing off its personality, making it go mute and deaf, have a nice day living with that.


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