Star TV chef brings ‘Eat the Rich’ slogan to life with parts of his own body on the menu

TV chef Antonio Carter, who found fame on the American cooking show ‘People Gotta Eat’, wants to make the popular phrase a reality.

“It won’t be quite like you imagine though”, Chef Antonio said.

“You won’t be eating my leg in the stew or anything. There will be dishes that include small parts of me though, and I also want to include you as well! But only if you have a net worth of over 10 Million, otherwise the flavour won’t pop.”

Chef Antonio has kindly given us a menu to preview before the big reveal later on this year.

We can share this exclusively with you now:

Star TV chef

To donate parts of your body to the chef you can email him at who will then offer you a discount to eat a fantastic dish that includes a bit of you.

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