TFL to trial new scheme of tiered baby on board badges.

Today the Head of the TFL Communications Vernon Everitt & Sadiq khan have announced in a joint statement concerning the future of the Baby on Board scheme. With the announcement being sent to like a big bunch of people it has caused outrage as people don’t like people being mean to babies.


‘We here at TFL are inclusive and proud of it, that is why we have designed a new improved Baby on Board Tiered system.

Obviously it’s Gay babies first. Then mixed race babies, then after that black or Asian (we’ll be holding a public vote on that placement). Then way at the bottom, if they even get a badge at all will be white babies. In fact the badge for white babies might just say ‘my ancestor’s behaviour lost me my right to a seat’.

We think that this new policy that shall roll out after the next batch of babies are born so we get it nicely in a transition period.

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Everitt & Sadiq Khan

London Mayor’s Office & Managing Director

Customers, Communication and Technology’.


Can you believe it? We can’t either!

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