We all know how Peaches feel but how do other fruits rate Donald Trump’s presidency?

Coming out strongly against this president and every other elected official, Peaches has always been at the forefront of taking down those who abuse the democratic system.

In a statement given earlier today to JuiceTV they had this to say, “I’m Peach. Meant Peaches sorry. Anyway I’ve judged a lot of the officials who call themselves our leaders and this Vladim- I’m mean Donald Trump, is by far the worst”.

We’ve been contacting other fruit to see what they have to say about it. We have received a fairly liberal response back. Many fruit, most notably Lemon and Lime, came back with a very strong response against Donald Trump’s immigration policies. “If people don’t mix how do you get all these wonderful/fantastic combinations of humans and drinks, eh? Where would you all be with out the mix of Lemon and Lime? Think about that next time your kicking an immigrant”.

Our most impassioned response however came from Pear who has been so taken aback by the whole presidency he can’t even get out of bed anymore!

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