Yorkie chocolate to seize on new marketing opportunity in Saudi Arabia. “Apparently they can’t even eat breakfast together so we can make a killing here”.

Nestle are to revert back to their original marketing campaign for Yorkie chocolate bar when they launch in Saudi Arabia next week.

The famous slogan “It’s not for girls!” Played really well in test groups over there.

Speaking to Nestle CFO, he told us that ”Nestle are excited to get into new markets, plus we have loads of those old wrappers still around so that cuts a lot of my overhead down which makes me very happy”.

TBN – “You do realise you’ll have to translate it and write it all backwards though right? Girls for not it’s”.

N – “That’s okay we can flip the chocolate upside down, that’s basically the same”.

TBN – “That’s not the same thing, I’m sure they’ll be very offended”.

N – “If i know one thing about Nestle it’s that we don’t care about customers or mothers in Africa with small kids”.

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