“48 hour ‘free for all’ migration bonanza very much on the table in the last two days before Brexit” says Dominic Raab.

Today the Secretary of State for leaving the European Union, Dominic Raab, has announced that a ‘musical chairs of countries’ could happen.

“If you’ve made it to Britain within the 48 hours you can stay. It’s not confirmed to have the go-ahead as of yet, but it’s definitely on the table for discussion. There’ll be some kind of big racing flag or lights on the cliffs of Dover to announce the start. GMT of course We can use our own time again hurrah! Bloody French”.

When the office of the Prime Minister was asked about whether Raab had any idea what he was doing, we were issued with this response;

“He’s got just as good of a shot as any of us, so we thought we’d let him have a crack at it. We hope this answers your question and rejuvenates your hope. Rule Britannia!”.

Are you planning on taking advantage of the migration lapse?

(As many of those sneaky immigrants have in the past).

Where would you go?


◦ Anywhere that isn’t where the guy who wrote the one above is.

France. Spain.

◦ Germany

◦ North Cyprus sounds lovely all year round.

◦ Is Bali in Europe?

The European Union has yet to confirm whether it will agree to any of the terms the UK has put forward for Brexit, but we here at The Bulls Nose have taken a wild guess.


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