6 ways to keep yourself awake during the new Adam Curtis documentary

It’s got to be watched, but you wouldn’t be mistaken in being the only one who finds it hard to sit through 6 episodes of absurd length, which sometimes feels like its only end goal is to depress you.

Nevertheless, here are our top 6 tips to get through the documentary awake:

  1. Take a drink every time the documentary switches location or subject for seemingly no reason. You’ll find yourself blacking out virtually instantly

2. Research all of the information yourself faster than it is being delivered through the narration (you’d save roughly 5 hours)

3. Cheer like a goal has been scored in football every time someone you are watching it with falls asleep

4. Live tweet the entire experience for all 7 hours, helping your loved ones suffer as if they were there with you

5. In-between episodes, watch other Adam Curtis documentaries for respite. A quick 3 hour documentary break will perk you right up for the next 70 minute episode

6. Have a coffee pot constantly on-the-go for top-ups every 20 minutes. In fact, fill a bath or sink with coffee granules and just run the hot tap every time you need a top-up

Although, split across six parts each totalling over an hour long, if you cut out all the random visuals it could all fit into about 17 minutes.

These have been our top tips for surviving this Adam Curtis documentary marathon, see you at the next one.

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