Accused rapist Brett Kavanaugh to release controversial book, ‘If I did it’.

Today, accused rapist and Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh has announced he will be releasing a book entitled ‘If I did it’.

The book will detail all the shady shit he’s done over the years.

The blurb on the back from FBI reads, ‘More in-depth than our investigation. Great read! Taught us a lot’.

The book will be published by Beaufort Books as a sort of follow up to the infamous OJ Simpson book: ‘If I did it’.

When asked whether this was an appropriate move for the accused rapist and Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh responded, “The move worked well for OJ, he managed to clear his name and was welcomed back into the community without any problems. It is very important for me to sit on the Supreme Court. I can ruin even more women’s lives than those whose lives I have already irreparably damaged”.

If accused-rapist and Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh gets approved by the Senate vote then he will be the 5th Republican judge, skewing the court to a republican majority. Republicans are up in arms about the ‘delaying tactics’ of the Democratic Party or, as everyone else calls it, vetting.

The fear is that Judge Kavanaugh will bring an end to many boring liberal laws, such as; women’s right to abortions or whether a sitting president can be indicted for state crimes. His behaviour and past has, inexplicably, called into question his character.

Some argue though that his longstanding career and record as a judge for over a decade proves he is up for the job. Everyone does bad things, should it really matter whether his past is sketchy?


When we say bad things, usually it means maybe some graffiti or petty theft.

Brett Kavanaugh, however, is accused of multiple instances of assault, including rape and violence.

Just what America needs in its highest courts.

All just par for the course in Donald Trump’s America.

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