Extra hour to be added to British day after Brexit in hopes of encouraging new businesses to open in the UK.

Slogan: The UK, now with new extended possibilities to abuse workers rights!

A New announcement by the Government today has introduced the idea of an extra hour to be slipped into the British day after Brexit. They are hoping this will encourage more to firms thinking about opening stores within the UK.

“We just feel that this will help encourage fatcats to come here, while letting us erode more workers’ rights at the same time. A win/win. Furthermore, we can reveal it’s not going to be a good hour, like an evening one, it’s solidly around 3/4 just when people are starting to get their hopes up for the end of the day.”

The name for the new hour is currently up for debate, the current options as we know so far are these:

– Throur

– Fouree

– Is it 4 yet?

– 3?

– 5 (just to confuses everyone)

– 2squared

The news has received mixed reviews, mainly bosses have liked the idea and the normal everyday joe hates it. Who could have guessed.

Pay for the new hour will also not be included in salaries during the first two years after Brexit. Due to a new up and coming management scheme called slavery.

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